장요근(Iliopsoas)의 통증유발점(Trigger point), 연관통(Referred pain), 관련된 내부 장기(Visceral)MPS 2019. 10. 12. 10:18
장요근(Iliopsoas) = 대요근(Psoas major), 소요근(Psoas minor) + 장골근(Iliacus) Origin : Psoas major - Lateral surfaces of the T12 verterbral body, the L1-L4 vertabral bodies, and the associated inter vertebral disc Psoas minor - Costal process of the L1-L5 vertebrae Iliacus - The Iliac fossa Insersion : Lessr trochanter of the femur Action : Hip joint - Flexion and External rotation Lumbar spine - Unilatera..